Foundations of Red Hat Cloud-Native Development
Red Hat
You know what? At this moment, my blog is actually a containerized WordPress instance running in a cloud-native environment. At work, I have been participating in the development of cloud-native products for quite a few years, I can not help but just share with you that containerization is amazing!
After IBM acquired Red Hat, OpenShift becomes the platform that we primarily focus on. It is very exciting to see that Red Hat now offers courses on Coursera. This course is the very first one in the specialization, and it covers the very basic stuff.
This course is the best choice for beginners. Instead of reading through lengthy documentations, the best way to get familiar with Kubernetes / OpenShift is simply to deploy it and use it. Following the lecture, you will grasp the most important concepts and master the tools with in just a few hours. However, you still need some more practice if you can answer all the quiz fast and correctly.
My Certificate
Related Specialization
I am Kesler Zhu, thank you for visiting my website. Checkout more course reviews at