My #61 course certificate (with Honors) from Coursera
Practical Reinforcement LearningHigher School of Economics I am very proud that I survived and completed this thorny but...

Exploration and Planning in Reinforcement Learning
Exploration is needed to find unknown actions which lead to very large rewards. Most of the reinforcement learning...

Reinforcement Learning: Policy Gradient Methods
The problems of value-based methods The idea behind value-based reinforcement learning (say, Q-learning) is to find an optimal...

Deep Q-Network in Reinforcement Learning
Deep Q-Network (DQN) is the first successful application of learning, both directly from raw visual inputs as humans...

Supervised Learning in Reinforcement Learning
Deduction to supervised learning problem In tabular method, each Q(s, a) could be seen as a parameter. There...

Model-free Reinforcement Learning
Value Iteration in real world n real world, we don’t have the state transition probability distribution or the...

Dynamic Programming in RL
Reward That all of what we mean by goals and purposes can be well thought of as maximization...