My #83 course certificate from Coursera
Foundations of Quantum MechanicsUniversity of Colorado Boulder This is a challenging course. If you are serious about learning...

Quantum Mechanics: Ensembles and Identical Particles
Pure and Mixed Ensemble / State In quantum mechanics, we only talk about average or expectation value for...

Time Evolution of Quantum States
Time-dependent Schrödinger Equation Time-dependent Schrödinger equations is not an eigenvalue equation, but allowing us to predict the state...

Quantum Mechanics: Uncertainty Principle and Change of Basis
Commuting Operators Two observables A and B are considered ‘compatible’ if the corresponding operators commute with each other,...

Stern-Gerlach Experiments & Dirac Bra-ket Notation
Electron Spin Electron has intrinsic angular momentum called spin that is not associated with its orbital motion. And...

Quantum Mechanics: 1-Dimensional Finite Potential Problems
Finite Potential Well Finite potential well problem is more realistic compared to the infinite potential well. It is...

Time-Independent Schrödinger Equation
Wave-particle Duality The double-slit experiments show us: particle source P1 : probability pattern when slit 1 is openP2...