My #8 specialization certificate from Coursera
TensorFlow 2 for Deep Learning Specialization Imperial College London Hooray! Now I completed the whole specialization! TensorFlow skill...

My #118 certificate from Coursera
Probabilistic Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2Imperial College London The focus of this course is the TensorFlow Probability library....

Variational Autoencoders
The Variational Autoencoder (VAE) is an algorithm for inference and learning in a latent variable generative model. In...

TensorFlow: Normalizing Flow Models
Generative models are a kind of statistical model that aims to learn the underlying data distribution itself. If a generative...

TensorFlow: Probabilistic Deep Learning Models
Unfortunately, deep learning models aren’t always accurate, especially when asked to make predictions on new data points that are dissimilar to the...

Distribution Objects in TensorFlow Probability
We’ll be making extensive use of the TensorFlow Probability library to help us develop probabilistic deep learning models. The...

My #99 course certificate from Coursera
Customising Your Models with TensorFlow 2Imperial College London I highly recommend this course to everyone who is willing...

Customizing Models, Layers and Training Loops
Subclassing Models The model subclassing and custom layers give you even more control over how the model is...

Sequential Data and Recurrent Neural Networks
Sequential data is data that has a natural sequential structure built into it, like text data or audio...

Keras and Tensorflow Datasets
Data pipelines are for loading, transforming, and filtering a wide range of different data for use in your...

The Keras Functional API
The reason you might want to use the Functional API (instead of the Sequential API) is if you...

My #67 course certificate from Coursera
Getting started with TensorFlow 2Imperial College London Wow this is a wonderful course on Tensorflow! The professor and...