My #101 course certificate from Coursera
Quantum MechanicsUniversity of Colorado Boulder If you’re with mechanical or aerospace engineering backgrounds and looking for a course...

Real Atoms and Molecules
Unfortunately, real atoms (including hydrogen atoms) are not very well described by the simple theory. There are more...

Hydrogenic Atom and Diatomic Molecule
External Motion Particle in a box is the simplest problem in quantum mechanics. A particle is just translating...

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
Quantum mechanics is the mathematics of atomic and molecular structure. We seek to determine allowed quantum states and...

My #100 course certificate from Coursera
Understanding Modern Physics I: Relativity and CosmologyThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology I am thrilled to...

Cosmology is the science of studying our universe. Being different from astronomy, which corresponds to studying some particular...

General Relativity: Gravity and Black Holes
Previously, in special relativity, we have found that the concepts of space and time are relative. When you...

Special Relativity: Geometry, Momentum and Energy
In 3-dimensional space, when we are looking at an object, what we see depends on the angle, the...

Lorentz Transformation
Lorentz transformation is the central question in the mathematical structure of special relativity. Simply put, given the coordinate...

Special Relativity: Length and Simultaneity
The concept of “length” and “the same time” have to be reconsidered in special relativity. Light Ruler and...

My #88 course certificate from Coursera
The Introduction to Quantum ComputingSaint Petersburg State University This wonderful, challenging and inspiring course covers lots of topics....

Deutsch’s Problem and DIY a Quantum Computer
The first algorithm ever designed for a quantum computer, is the algorithm for solving Deutsch’s problem. The algorithm...

Mathematical Model of Quantum Computing
The mathematical model of quantum computing allows us to understand and design quantum algorithms without any background in...

My #86 course certificate from Coursera
Fundamentals of Macroscopic and Microscopic ThermodynamicsUniversity of Colorado Boulder This is is course about physics. But why do...

Statistical Thermodynamics
Role of Statistics Statistics is the study of systems that exhibit variability. Because macroscopic systems are composed of...