Peer-to-Peer Protocols and Local Area Networks
University of Colorado System
The development of computer network has a long history, which probably deserves an “library” to record. Nowadays, in the age of software defined network (SDN) and cloud, the courses about classic network technology probably seem a little “old school”. That is not true, cutting edge technology emerges in the field of computer network. SDN and cloud are the exactly reason why I want to revisit those classic network courses.
There are 4 modules in this course, the materials are mostly introductory, and math involved isn’t hard. At first glance, all modules seem independent and unrelated. No, you will find this well-structured course is guiding you from concepts to tangible implementation.
Efficiency is that very important thread to connect all the dots. You will notice that the concepts like delay-bandwidth product or normalized propagation time is mentioned again and again. Medium sharing and contention resolution are interesting enough to deserve an entire bookshelf. This course gives a glimpse of it. This is a good starting point.
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