Optimizing a Website for Google Search
University of California Davis
I am afraid all of the website owners in the world are working hard toward the same goal: “my websites are outstanding and profitable.” Surely, I am one of them, and I have been on this goal for years. I actually learned a lot from the mistakes that I made. I am excited to find this course, which is particularly useful since it helps me review what I have done.
Building a website is more than just building a website. You are actually building an audience, a brand, a reputation. In 2022, there are about 2 billions websites in the world. How can imagine how crowded the internet is. Without proper search engine optimization, you website is almost impossible to be exhibited.
This course teaches quite a lot things. Besides websites, the course talks a lot about Local SEO and App SEO. You will find the diversity of the ecosystem. Overall, content is king, even though there are plenty useful methods and tricks to optimize performance. Website is the extension of your business. You will have a popular website only if it creates and delivers valuable things to customers.
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I am Kesler Zhu, thank you for visiting my website. Checkout more course reviews at https://KZHU.ai