Certificate Matrix Algebra for Engineers

Matrix Algebra for Engineers
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

This is undoubtedly a 5-star course. If you want to learn matrix algebra in the shortest time possible, this course will be your excellent choice. It is designed for engineers, so it left out some of the more abstract material for mathematics students.

The course started off by introducing the basics: addition, multiplication, transpose, inverse, … no big deal. When it comes to systems of linear equations, matrix begin to flex its muscles. You may found Gaussian elimination and LU decomposition are so essential and useful, you will use them almost every where.

Basis, dimension, rank, vector space and 4 fundamental subspaces and more are taking your matrix skills to the next level. It is very impressive to see these concepts give us a different insight into the least-squared problem.

Finally in the last week, the course helps you develop a decent understanding of determinant, and how determinant is used to solve the important eigenvalue problem. This lead to the climax of this course: use the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors to diagonalize a matrix.

Upon completion of this course, you certainly will be well prepared and more confident to face engineering problems. Highly recommend!

Quick Recap

My Certificate

Certificate Matrix Algebra for Engineers
Matrix Algebra for Engineers

I am Kesler Zhu, thank you for visiting my website. Checkout more course reviews at https://KZHU.ai

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