Introduction to Virtual Reality
Goldsmiths, University of London
Recently, Metaverse is a buzz on the Internet. Quite a lot people talk about it. There are interest, concerns, dismissal, criticism, or whatever. It is one’s personal taste.
Once my out-of-fashion understanding of Virtual Reality was no more than gaming console. But this course opened my eyes to the reality that VR has been under research for long time. Fields like computer graphics, psychology and many other have played important roles behind the scene.
In the course, my “WOW moments” are the Pinocchio illusion experiment, Rubber hand illusion experiment. And the amazing elaboration on the Level of Immersion, Sensorimotor Contingency, and the psychological Three Illusions: Place illusion, Plausibility Illusion, embodiment Illusion.
I am afraid the most frequent words in the course are “body” and “illusion”. They keep reminding me of the TV series “West World”. Subcontiously, we are already quite used to our body and this world. But if you just calm down, stare at your hands for a moment, then ponder the question “what is reality?” Isn’t amazing?
This is a very cool course.
Quick Recap
My Certificate
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