App SEO and Metrics
App SEO App SEO refers to the practice of optimizing your website to drive traffic to your app....

My 9th specialization certificate from Coursera
Machine Learning: Algorithms in the Real World Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute It is really an exciting journey! This...

My 122nd certificate from Coursera
Optimizing Machine Learning Performance Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute In the real world, the journey to a successful machine...

Wholesale Money Markets: Repos and Eurodollars
Repo Market Repo (someone calls it RP) is an overnight collateralized loan, organized as a simultaneous sale and...

My 121st certificate from Coursera
Microsoft Azure Services and Lifecycles Microsoft Your journey to cloud is not always about technology. Try to think...

Azure Cloud Governance Strategy
Azure Identity Services With people increasingly able to work from anywhere, plus the rise of “bring your own...

Advanced On-Page SEO Strategies
Applying Keyword Research Effective use of keywords is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal for...

Federal Funds and Final Settlement
Recall the hierarchy of money, the Fed is sort of at the top, it can create this high...

My 120th certificate from Coursera
Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Hey programmers, what’s your favorite programming languages? I...

Post-Deployment of Machine Learning Models
Integrating Machine Learning Systems Issues arise from putting your machine learning model into a real life system. To...

Machine Learning: Readiness, Responsibility and Regulatory Concerns
Although many organizations recognize the importance of machine learning for making the most of their businesses, very few...

Basics of Bonds, Stocks, and Dividends
Interest Rates Saving Accounts After the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, the current economic situation is rather...

My #119 certificate from Coursera
Peer-to-Peer Protocols and Local Area NetworksUniversity of Colorado System The development of computer network has a long history,...

Local Area Networks
Local area means private ownership. The distance between computers is usually below one kilometer, so it is the...

Medium Access Control
Broadcast networks are of high bandwidth and low cost. All information will be sent to all users, no...