Sequential Data and Recurrent Neural Networks
Sequential data is data that has a natural sequential structure built into it, like text data or audio...

My #97 course certificate from Coursera
Introduction to Recommender Systems: Non-Personalized and Content-BasedUniversity of Minnesota In modern society, the recommender systems are everywhere and...

Content-Based Recommenders
The content-based approaches to recommendation include: Pure information filtering systems build profiles of content preference Case-based reasoning systems...

Keras and Tensorflow Datasets
Data pipelines are for loading, transforming, and filtering a wide range of different data for use in your...

Container Basics on AWS
Containers Explained The concept for containers comes from shipping containers, which have a standard size, shape, and common...

My #96 course certificate from Coursera
Management of Fashion and Luxury CompaniesUniversitΓ Bocconi Are you learning French or Italian as a foreign language? Certainly,...

Lorentz Transformation
Lorentz transformation is the central question in the mathematical structure of special relativity. Simply put, given the coordinate...

Fashion & Luxury: Products Development, Communication, Retail
Products Development There is a major difference between luxury and fashion companies in dealing with the product development...

The Keras Functional API
The reason you might want to use the Functional API (instead of the Sequential API) is if you...

Special Relativity: Length and Simultaneity
The concept of “length” and “the same time” have to be reconsidered in special relativity. Light Ruler and...

My #95 course certificate from Coursera
Fundamentals of Network CommunicationUniversity of Colorado System Computer networking and communication are shockingly complicated. It takes years or...

Fundamentals of Network Communication
Simply put, a communication network is a set of equipment (routers, servers, switches, etc) and facilities (copper wires,...

My #94 course certificate from Coursera
Machine Learning Algorithms: Supervised Learning Tip to TailAlberta Machine Intelligence Institute There are many other courses that teach...

Regression and Classification Model Assessment
Let’s take a look at how the performance of regression and classification models can be quantified so that...

Logistic Regression & Support Vector Machines
Often, some of the “shifts” we need to make when we’re using regression based approaches for classification. There...