My 135th certificate from Coursera
Python Essentials for MLOps Duke University You will learn a lot from this course: Python language itself, PyTest...

My 134th certificate from Coursera
Plan a Successful Freelancing Business California Institute of the Arts Believe it or not, we are in a...

Plan a Successful Freelancing Business
Think about Being a Freelancer Sometimes called a solopreneur, a freelancer is a type of entrepreneur who starts...

Discrete Optimization: Knapsack Problems
Filling a knapsack is an NP-hard optimization problem, it is widely believed that in the worst case it...

Essential Concepts of Business Taxation
Origin of Federal Taxation The first income tax in the US was enacted in 1634 by the Massachusetts...

My 133rd certificate from Coursera
Fitting Statistical Models to Data with Python University of Michigan AI is combination of many different fields. Statistics...

Multilevel Models vs Marginal Models
Logistic Regression Logistic regression is an extension to linear regression. When there are only only 2 options for...

My 132nd certificate from Coursera
Economics of Money and Banking Columbia University This full-semester course is a masterpiece! It definitely will change the...

Shadow Banking
Shadow banking is “money market funding of capital market lending”. Financial globalization and the revolution of modern finance...

Interest Rate Swaps and Credit Default Swaps
Interest Rate Swaps The interest rate swap come into being because of certain kinds of market imperfections that...

Forwards and Futures
Economy is coherent, it has structure to it. The discipline of the clearing constraint that forces people, whether...

Indirect Finance and Direct Finance
Shadow banking refers to money market funding of capital market lending. We essentially need to extend the money...

My 12th specialization certificate from Coursera
Computer Communications University of Colorado System Don’t mention those complex networks in cloud, it is even a challenging...

My 131st certificate from Coursera
TCP/IP and Advanced Topics University of Colorado System This course teaches the basics of TCP and IP protocols....

Introduction to Transport Layer Protocols
Two transport layer protocols User Datagram Program (UDP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) are built upon the best...