Debtor-Creditor Relationships
Bank Financing Sureties and Guarantors Sureties and guarantors are people who agree to be liable for a debt...

Financial Statement: Company Performance
Financial statements are representations or substitute attributes meant to measure attributes of a company. Income Statement Balance sheet...

My #70 course certificate from Coursera
Understanding Financial Statements: Company PositionUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign This is a beginner-level course about financial statements, particularly...

Forms of Business Organizations
Sole Proprietorship and General Partnership These are the 2 most fundamental forms of business entities. They are the...

Financial Statement: Company Position
The financial statements are a manifestation of accounting, which is what we use to prepare proper financial statements....

My #65 course certificate from Coursera
Foundations of Everyday LeadershipUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign To some, leadership is an advantage; meanwhile to some, leadership...

Everyday Leadership
What is Leadership Leadership is not just about formal authority, it is really about influencing others. Today’s business...

My #62 course certificate from Coursera
Contracts & Employment LawUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign This is a very useful course for non-experts, because we...

Agency and Employment Law
Agency Agency is nothing more than the idea that you give somebody else authority to act on your...

Enforcement of Contracts
Third party beneficiaries Third party beneficiaries are people who benefit under a contract, but are not part to...

Sales Contracts: UCC Article 2
UCC stands for Uniform Commercial Code, UCC Article 2 pertains sales of goods, which provides additional rules when...

Basics of Contracts
A contract is nothing more than an enforceable agreement. The person who makes an offer is offeror, whose...

Computing the Tax
Income Tax Formula This is an important formula, you’ll use throughout the course and beyond. The US tax...