Certificate Introduction to Microsoft Azure Cloud Services

Introduction to Microsoft Azure Cloud Services

Cloud computing has been hot for years, and there are quite a lot players in the arena. All of them offer and tout their unique and discernible services. Microsoft Azure is one of them you shall not ignore.

This course is an excellent choice if you want to have a glance at what Microsoft Azure is touting. Cosmos DB, SQL Server, and other database related services are very eye-catching. Many services offered by Azure appear similar to those offered by its competitors (say AWS and GCP), however please bear in mind that most of them are based on Windows servers and use Microsoft’s proprietary technology, like Active Directory and file sharing protocols.

Knowledge from other cloud platforms does not mean you can be good at Azure in just a few days, there is still a long learning curve if you want to be proficient at Azure. Keep learning.

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Certificate Introduction to Microsoft Azure Cloud Services
Introduction to Microsoft Azure Cloud Services

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