Certificate How Google does Machine Learning

How Google does Machine Learning
Google Cloud

There is no math, no Tensorflow, no algorithms in this short course – don’t be upset. It shared a lot valuable stuff : the enterprise know-how that Google have obtained over the years. I think In week 2 the lecture is rather wonderful and inspiring! The topics include the business transformation with ML, the surprise you might never expect, the pitfalls you shall avoid; evaluation using confusion matrix and an important concept “Equality of Opportunity”. In other weeks the course covered Google’s AI First strategy, a few pre-trained API services, MLOps, skews, bias, Python notebook etc. These all look good.

I found this course is insightful, which covers interesting topics you won’t find elsewhere. I know you already have come up with a brand new game-changing algorithm ?, and you can not wait to train it, then use it to change the world?. But I think it is still much helpful to spare some time for this course.

Quick Recap

My certificate

Certificate How Google does Machine Learning
How Google does Machine Learning

I am Kesler Zhu, thanks for visiting. For more course reviews, check out my website https://KZHU.ai

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