My #80 course certificate from Coursera
Differential Equations for EngineersThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology By highlighting both theories and applications in...

The Diffusion Equation of a Dye
Fourier Series Sometimes complicated motions can actually be composed of motions of many different frequencies. The type of mathematical analysis...

Systems of Differential Equations
Systems of Homogeneous Linear First-order ODEs The system of linear first order homogeneous equations can be written in matrix...

Laplace Transform and Series Solution Method
Laplace transform Laplace transform is a technique for solving differential equations. By using the Laplace transform you can...

Inhomogeneous Linear Differential Equations
The general form of inhomogenous linear differential equations is: We need 2 initial conditions x(0) = x0, x'(0)...

Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations
Linear homogeneous differential equation is the second-order ODEs that has the form below, It is important that the...

First-Order Differential Equations
Euler Method Euler method is a very simple numerical method that can be used to solve differential equations....