My 9th specialization certificate from Coursera
Machine Learning: Algorithms in the Real World Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute It is really an exciting journey! This...

My 122nd certificate from Coursera
Optimizing Machine Learning Performance Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute In the real world, the journey to a successful machine...

Post-Deployment of Machine Learning Models
Integrating Machine Learning Systems Issues arise from putting your machine learning model into a real life system. To...

Machine Learning: Readiness, Responsibility and Regulatory Concerns
Although many organizations recognize the importance of machine learning for making the most of their businesses, very few...

My #114 certificate from Coursera
Data for Machine LearningAlberta Machine Intelligence Institute Do you agree that the skills of manipulating data is more...

Bad Data in Machine Learning
There are many ways that data can go wrong, sometimes through no fault of its own. Imbalanced Data...

Building Good Features for Machine Learning
Having a deep understanding of data is an essential prerequisite for doing EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) as well...

Prepare Your Data for Machine Learning Success
Data never actually arrives in the exact perfect form you want it to, so you need data pipeline...

Understanding Your Machine Learning Problems and Data
Recall in a previous course, we have introduced the Machine Learning Process Lifecycle (MLPL), simply put there are...

My #94 course certificate from Coursera
Machine Learning Algorithms: Supervised Learning Tip to TailAlberta Machine Intelligence Institute There are many other courses that teach...

Regression and Classification Model Assessment
Let’s take a look at how the performance of regression and classification models can be quantified so that...

Logistic Regression & Support Vector Machines
Often, some of the “shifts” we need to make when we’re using regression based approaches for classification. There...

Linear Regression
Recall that the concept of hypothesis spaces is a collection of hypotheses that might answer a particular question, and learning...

Classification: Decision Trees and k-Nearest Neighbours
Classification Basics Machine learning uses learning data and learning algorithms to produce a model (or Question Answering Machine,...

My #49 course certificate from Coursera
Introduction to Applied Machine LearningAlberta Machine Intelligence Institute This course looks at machine learning in a different light: business. Fanciful ideas...