Machine Learning in Google
AI First Think about the complex pipeline, to be successful at Machine Learning, besides creating models, you need...

Deep Q-Network in Reinforcement Learning
Deep Q-Network (DQN) is the first successful application of learning, both directly from raw visual inputs as humans...

Supervised Learning in Reinforcement Learning
Deduction to supervised learning problem In tabular method, each Q(s, a) could be seen as a parameter. There...

Model-free Reinforcement Learning
Value Iteration in real world n real world, we don’t have the state transition probability distribution or the...

Quadrotors: Energetic and System Design
Spinning all rotors of a quad-rotor in the same direction will cause the robot to constantly rotate. The...

Dynamic Programming in RL
Reward That all of what we mean by goals and purposes can be well thought of as maximization...

My #49 course certificate from Coursera
Introduction to Applied Machine LearningAlberta Machine Intelligence Institute This course looks at machine learning in a different light: business. Fanciful ideas...

My #46 course certificate from Coursera
Introduction to Self-Driving CarsUniversity of Toronto Self-driving cars! I am thrilled to pass this tough course. You have...

My #4 specialization certificate from Coursera
Reinforcement Learning SpecializationUniversity of Alberta Anyone who loves reinforcement learning should not miss this specialization. Thank you University of Alberta! My Specialization...

My #41 course certificate from Coursera
A Complete Reinforcement Learning System (Capstone)University of Alberta For moon landing, let’s build a complete Deep RL system. You will get...

My #39 course certificate from Coursera
Prediction and Control with Function ApproximationUniversity of Alberta This course reaches the apex of the entire reinforcement learning specialization! Don’t...

My #37 course certificate from Coursera
Sample-based Learning MethodsUniversity of Alberta I had a terrific time! This course covers quite a few fundamental &...

My #36 course certificate from Coursera
Fundamentals of Reinforcement LearningUniversity of Alberta Many thanks to Prof. Martha White and Adam White for this great reinforcement learning course – I...

My #33 course certificate (with Honors) from Coursera
How to Win a Data Science Competition (with Honors)Higher School of Economics This course rocks! ? I found...

My #18 course certificate (with Honors) from Coursera
Introduction to Deep LearningHigher School of Economics Don’t be misled by the name, it ain’t no way a...