Inhomogeneous Linear Differential Equations
The general form of inhomogenous linear differential equations is: We need 2 initial conditions x(0) = x0, x'(0)...

Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations
Linear homogeneous differential equation is the second-order ODEs that has the form below, It is important that the...

First-Order Differential Equations
Euler Method Euler method is a very simple numerical method that can be used to solve differential equations....

Vector Calculus: Basics
Vector Calculus is also known as Multivariate Calculus or “Calculus 3”. Calculus 1 and 2 are Differential Calculus...

My #72 course certificate from Coursera
Matrix Algebra for EngineersThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology This is undoubtedly a 5-star course. If...

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Determinants can tell us whether a matrix has an inverse, and more importantly it can help us solve...

Vector Space & Fundamental Subspaces
A vector space consists of a set of vectors (column matrices) and a set of scalars (real numbers),...

Matrices & Systems of Linear Equations
Matrix is a rectangular array of numbers. In an m*n matrix, m stands for the number of rows,...

My #51 course certificate (with Honors) from Coursera
Mathematical Thinking in Computer ScienceUC San Diego You will never believe a math course can be so fun...

My #22 course certificate from Coursera
Single Variable CalculusUniversity of Pennsylvania This course is AMAZING! It probably is the BEST Calculus course you can...

My #21 course certificate from Coursera
Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video ProcessingNorthwestern University This 12-week course is really ALL about math, and definitely...

My #20 course certificate from Coursera
Image and Video ProcessingDuke University This is really a fun course. The boring material is nicely taught in...

My #14 course certificate from Coursera
Stochastic processesHigher School of Economics Oh geez, “stochastic processes”, I enjoyed this fascinating course a lot! The course...

My #11 course certificate (with Honors) from Coursera
Bayesian Methods for Machine Learning (with Honors)Higher School of Economics This is an excellent course from Russia and...