My #114 certificate from Coursera
Data for Machine LearningAlberta Machine Intelligence Institute Do you agree that the skills of manipulating data is more...
Bad Data in Machine Learning
There are many ways that data can go wrong, sometimes through no fault of its own. Imbalanced Data...
Building Good Features for Machine Learning
Having a deep understanding of data is an essential prerequisite for doing EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) as well...
My #112 certificate from Coursera
Leading Teams: Building Effective Team CulturesUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign I almost only focused on technical things at...
Prepare Your Data for Machine Learning Success
Data never actually arrives in the exact perfect form you want it to, so you need data pipeline...
Building Effective Team Cultures
The definition of a team is basically a group of people working together toward a common goal. Teamwork...
TensorFlow: Normalizing Flow Models
Generative models are a kind of statistical model that aims to learn the underlying data distribution itself. If a generative...
My #110 certificate from Coursera
American Contract Law IYale University We all enter contracts every day, contracting is never something only happens between...
Contract Law: Counteroffers, Irrevocable Offers, and Indefinite Terms
What happens when an offeree attempts to accept an offer while modifying the terms? In the case Minneapolis...
Contract Law: Assent, Offer and Acceptance
Mutual Assent Mutual ascent describes an agreement between two parties that intend to form a contract. Parties often...
Understanding Your Machine Learning Problems and Data
Recall in a previous course, we have introduced the Machine Learning Process Lifecycle (MLPL), simply put there are...
The Central Bank as a Clearinghouse
It is unusual to think about banking as a system of payments, and central banking as a clearing...
TensorFlow: Probabilistic Deep Learning Models
Unfortunately, deep learning models aren’t always accurate, especially when asked to make predictions on new data points that are dissimilar to the...
Contract Law: Consideration and Its Substitutes
Requirements Contracts & Output Contracts A requirements contract is a form of contract where a seller agrees to...
Contract Law: Promise and Consideration
Recall that consideration is a traditional prerequisite for forming a contract. When it comes to a promise, the court...