Reliable Services and Data Link Controls
TCP Reliable Stream and Flow Control TCP Reliable Stream Service applies Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) flow control. TCP...

Automatic Repeat Request Protocols
Peer-to-Peer Service Model The communication process can be broken into layers. At each layer, two or more peer...

Introduction to Software Defined Networking
Fundamentally, a software defined network is a type of network architecture that separates the network data plane from...

Shannon’s Information Measures
Information theory is a subject with very rich intellectual contents, and it is somewhat philosophical. Information theory was...

My #95 course certificate from Coursera
Fundamentals of Network CommunicationUniversity of Colorado System Computer networking and communication are shockingly complicated. It takes years or...

Fundamentals of Network Communication
Simply put, a communication network is a set of equipment (routers, servers, switches, etc) and facilities (copper wires,...

My #92 course certificate from Coursera
Introduction to Virtual RealityGoldsmiths, University of London Recently, Metaverse is a buzz on the Internet. Quite a lot...

Virtual Reality and Psychology
How to define virtual reality? Different people has different experiences. In order to describe these experiences, we often...

Computation: from Classical to Quantum
The computation is a physical process, which is finite in time with fixed and distinguished set of states....

My #54 course certificate from Coursera
Algorithmic ToolboxUC San Diego This course is full of everlasting magic spells that are very useful in job...

My #51 course certificate (with Honors) from Coursera
Mathematical Thinking in Computer ScienceUC San Diego You will never believe a math course can be so fun...