My 10th specialization certificate from Coursera
Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Exam Prep Microsoft Hey, there, this is my 10th specialization. It is all about...

My 124th certificate from Coursera
Preparing for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exam Microsoft The title of the course describes itself. This short...

My 121st certificate from Coursera
Microsoft Azure Services and Lifecycles Microsoft Your journey to cloud is not always about technology. Try to think...

Azure Cloud Governance Strategy
Azure Identity Services With people increasingly able to work from anywhere, plus the rise of “bring your own...

My #109 certificate from Coursera
Microsoft Azure Management Tools and Security SolutionsMicrosoft Microsoft Azure offers a wide array of management tools and services....

My #107 certificate from Coursera
Introduction to Microsoft Azure Cloud ServicesMicrosoft Cloud computing has been hot for years, and there are quite a...

Azure Management Tools and Security Solutions
Microsoft Azure offers a wide range of services to deploy your applications. To keep control of your environment...

Microsoft Azure Core Concepts and Services
Cloud Computing Advantages There are several benefits that a Cloud environment has over a physical environment: High Availability Cloud-based...

My #105 course certificate from Coursera
Artificial Intelligence on Microsoft AzureMicrosoft It was about 20 year ago, my first certificate in my career life...