My 164th course certificate from Coursera
Mathematics for Engineers: The Capstone Course The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology This course is the...

My 162nd course certificate from Coursera
Numerical Methods for Engineers The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology This is an excellent course to...

My #100 course certificate from Coursera
Understanding Modern Physics I: Relativity and CosmologyThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology I am thrilled to...

Cosmology is the science of studying our universe. Being different from astronomy, which corresponds to studying some particular...

General Relativity: Gravity and Black Holes
Previously, in special relativity, we have found that the concepts of space and time are relative. When you...

Special Relativity: Geometry, Momentum and Energy
In 3-dimensional space, when we are looking at an object, what we see depends on the angle, the...

Lorentz Transformation
Lorentz transformation is the central question in the mathematical structure of special relativity. Simply put, given the coordinate...

Special Relativity: Length and Simultaneity
The concept of “length” and “the same time” have to be reconsidered in special relativity. Light Ruler and...

My #81 course certificate from Coursera
Vector Calculus for Engineers The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology We can’t emphasize enough the importance...

Special Relativity: Space and Time
For hundreds years, space and time were absolute in the concept of Newton, they are something that can...

My #80 course certificate from Coursera
Differential Equations for EngineersThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology By highlighting both theories and applications in...

Vector Calculus: Fundamental Theorems
Gradient Theorem The fundamental theorem of single variable calculus was the one that told you “the integral of the...

Line and Surface Integrals
Line Integrals Scalar Fields We have a curve C in the x-y plane, we can represent a point...

The Diffusion Equation of a Dye
Fourier Series Sometimes complicated motions can actually be composed of motions of many different frequencies. The type of mathematical analysis...

Systems of Differential Equations
Systems of Homogeneous Linear First-order ODEs The system of linear first order homogeneous equations can be written in matrix...