My 13th specialization certificate from Coursera
Statistics with Python University of Michigan Python itself is more general purpose, while there are many other programming...

My 133rd certificate from Coursera
Fitting Statistical Models to Data with Python University of Michigan AI is combination of many different fields. Statistics...

Multilevel Models vs Marginal Models
Logistic Regression Logistic regression is an extension to linear regression. When there are only only 2 options for...

Fitting Parametric Models to Data
The purpose of fitting models to data is to help answer research questions. We specify models based on...

My 126th certificate from Coursera
Inferential Statistical Analysis with Python University of Michigan Simply put, this course teaches 2 things: confidence intervals and...

Hypothesis Testing
Typically we have some question, and that question could be “could the value of the parameter be X?”...

Confidence Intervals
We use data to do statistical inference means we either estimate some parameters with confidence, or test some...

My #77 course certificate from Coursera
Understanding and Visualizing Data with PythonUniversity of Michigan This is a fantastic statistics course taught in the setting...

Probability, Sampling & Inference
In the 1930s, Jerzy Nayman and others made some very important breakthroughs in this area and his work...

Visualizing Statistical Data
Statistics: Arts and Sciences Statistics is the subject that encompasses all aspects of learning from data. We are...

My #47 course certificate from Coursera
Introduction to HTML5University of Michigan This entry-level course truly touched my heart because it is shocking to know...

My #9 course certificate from Coursera
Applied Machine Learning in PythonUniversity of Michigan This is a nice course about scikit-learn – a stable, powerful...

My #5 course certificate from Coursera
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)University of Michigan Oh, I love this course, the lecturer Prof. Charles...

My #2 course certificate from Coursera
Introduction to Data Science in PythonUniversity of Michigan This is a nice course to get familiar with NumPy,...