My #94 course certificate from Coursera
Machine Learning Algorithms: Supervised Learning Tip to TailAlberta Machine Intelligence Institute There are many other courses that teach...

Regression and Classification Model Assessment
Let’s take a look at how the performance of regression and classification models can be quantified so that...

Logistic Regression & Support Vector Machines
Often, some of the “shifts” we need to make when we’re using regression based approaches for classification. There...

Linear Regression
Recall that the concept of hypothesis spaces is a collection of hypotheses that might answer a particular question, and learning...

Classification: Decision Trees and k-Nearest Neighbours
Classification Basics Machine learning uses learning data and learning algorithms to produce a model (or Question Answering Machine,...

My #67 course certificate from Coursera
Getting started with TensorFlow 2Imperial College London Wow this is a wonderful course on Tensorflow! The professor and...

Non-personalized Recommenders
Non-personalized recommenders systems are remarkably effective tools and still useful in various situations. For example: recommendation in print...

Introducing Recommender Systems
Information Retrieval and Filtering Information retrieval evolved in response to the need to be able to ask questions...

My #61 course certificate (with Honors) from Coursera
Practical Reinforcement LearningHigher School of Economics I am very proud that I survived and completed this thorny but...

Exploration and Planning in Reinforcement Learning
Exploration is needed to find unknown actions which lead to very large rewards. Most of the reinforcement learning...

Reinforcement Learning: Policy Gradient Methods
The problems of value-based methods The idea behind value-based reinforcement learning (say, Q-learning) is to find an optimal...

My #60 course certificate from Coursera
Introduction to TensorFlowGoogle Quite a lot stuff of TensorFlow was distilled into this course, from the basics to...

TensorFlow Essentials
TensorFlow is an open-source, high-performance library for any numerical computation (not just for machine learning). For example, you...

My #58 course certificate from Coursera
Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLABMathWorks Even though Python, R and others are getting more and more popular, MATLAB...

My #57 course certificate from Coursera
How Google does Machine LearningGoogle Cloud There is no math, no Tensorflow, no algorithms in this short course...