My 131st certificate from Coursera
TCP/IP and Advanced Topics University of Colorado System This course teaches the basics of TCP and IP protocols....

My #101 course certificate from Coursera
Quantum MechanicsUniversity of Colorado Boulder If you’re with mechanical or aerospace engineering backgrounds and looking for a course...

Real Atoms and Molecules
Unfortunately, real atoms (including hydrogen atoms) are not very well described by the simple theory. There are more...

Hydrogenic Atom and Diatomic Molecule
External Motion Particle in a box is the simplest problem in quantum mechanics. A particle is just translating...

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
Quantum mechanics is the mathematics of atomic and molecular structure. We seek to determine allowed quantum states and...

My #86 course certificate from Coursera
Fundamentals of Macroscopic and Microscopic ThermodynamicsUniversity of Colorado Boulder This is is course about physics. But why do...

Statistical Thermodynamics
Role of Statistics Statistics is the study of systems that exhibit variability. Because macroscopic systems are composed of...

Macroscopic Thermodynamics
First of all, a quick introduction to 4 the most important figures in thermodynamics: Sadi Carnot (1796-1832) who...

Thermodynamics: Fundamental Concepts
Thermodynamics is the study of the equilibrium behavior of systems, for which motion at the microscopic level of...

My #83 course certificate from Coursera
Foundations of Quantum MechanicsUniversity of Colorado Boulder This is a challenging course. If you are serious about learning...

Quantum Mechanics: Ensembles and Identical Particles
Pure and Mixed Ensemble / State In quantum mechanics, we only talk about average or expectation value for...

Time Evolution of Quantum States
Time-dependent Schrödinger Equation Time-dependent Schrödinger equations is not an eigenvalue equation, but allowing us to predict the state...

Quantum Mechanics: Uncertainty Principle and Change of Basis
Commuting Operators Two observables A and B are considered ‘compatible’ if the corresponding operators commute with each other,...

Stern-Gerlach Experiments & Dirac Bra-ket Notation
Electron Spin Electron has intrinsic angular momentum called spin that is not associated with its orbital motion. And...

Quantum Mechanics: 1-Dimensional Finite Potential Problems
Finite Potential Well Finite potential well problem is more realistic compared to the infinite potential well. It is...